Our project management and supervision with multi-skilled engineering team competent in Automation, Drives, Instrumentation, electrical distribution and software engineering positions us in the most effective all round team with superior performance results. This factor enlivens us to handle complex greenfield, retrofit, turnkey project effectively.
Greenfield Project
Greenfield project simply refers to projects in new plants involving new automation systems. For these projects, it is of utmost importance to get the automation systems installed and running optimally and on time to ensure that the plant runs on schedule.
Some of the companies involved in the Greenfield Project include:
Terengganu Silica Consortium, Lhoist, Lipids and etc.
These projects are commissioned as part of existing operations. It involves installing new upgrades or replacing old and obsolete systems. A majority of our projects are retrofit, and we have fine-tuned our services and solutions to work within existing frameworks with minimum interruptions to ongoing operations.
Turnkey Project
The Turnkey Project involves a product or service that is designed, built, fully assembled and installed ready to commence operations.
Some of the companies that have benefitted through our Turnkey Projects include:
BCM Chocolate line,
Vasatech Vits Line 2,
Lipids Terminal
Carotino Tank Gauging System phase 1-4